Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Mac Security, because it matters!

As you might be able to tell from my links/ads on the left, I use a Mac.

That doesn't have any bearing on my political views, just my day to day typical workflow. I like the Mac platform, not the least because of its UNIX underpinnings and glossy finish.

I also like to use Safari primarily, and I use Firefox for all things Google and other sites that don't pay well with Safari...

And anyone - Mac or Windows - who uses Firefox 2.0 needs to know about the flaw in the browser's built-in password manager.

After reading that, I'm even more thankful to Hubert for giving me 1Password in the MacHeist. It's a very cool app that integrates into all my browsers and provides an extra layer of security for all my web passwords. It even securely stores my various "Identities" - a feature that comes in handy for when my fiance and I want to enter every contest under the sun, and register for all the nifty new Web 2.0 sites coming online.

If you use a Mac, and you use the internet, you have to check out 1Password. There's even a great video there explaining its usage!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The odd thing about PredatorGate (Mark Foley(R-FL)).....

This has been sitting my head for awhile .... figured I should go on and put it out there... I'm not carving anything new out of this story, and I'm only claiming to possibly check a trickle of the GOP spin machine.

Enjoy (please).

Obviously, if I were to say something like "I told you so," without having access to hard evidence, people from all sides would correctly call me a whack-nut job. Including me.

However, in a different place with a different context I think I wrote:


I have no love for Tucker Carlson.

In fact, I really want to write, "Tucker Carlson is Pedophile and child molester (based on the 9/11 commission report)" and disclaim that statement by calling it a "docudrama."

Obviously, that's just an overly mean slur directed at a kinda mean (if really, really harmless) talking head. Tucker's a decent reporter, I guess, but not so good an anchor. Just search youtube for Jon Stewart on Crossfire and you'll see what I mean. (Jon's reaction is quite good!)

I was curious to see what anchor-ly indignation Tucker (bite that lip, Tuck!) might express about Mark Foley, but it wouldn't be interesting unless Mike Papantonio is involved:

"Go to the Internet, read what this Pedophile freak was saying to this child." - you won't believe the lame defense offered by the Rev. Mike Watkins, shill for Republican Jesus.

You can listen to Mike, alongside Robert Kennedy, Jr., on their weekend show, Ring of Fire. Their new book is available here:

Now, on to the Bush Administration's response to PredatorGate: it's a very similar to their response to PlameGate, and we all know how that turned out, don't we?

"I have no knowledge of who leaked the identity of a covert CIA agent, and I'll fire anyone involved" translates into:

"I am the one who authorized the leaks, and since I declassified the information it isn't a big deal. I'm not firing anybody who isn't threatened with jail time."

That's a high moral standard, don't you think?

We can see where Reps. Reynolds and Hastert got their playbook for dealing with Mark Foley -- do nothing until it becomes public and the FBI investigates. Answer no questions after your public statements, lie about that - repeatedly - and if possible, make your public statements about sexual molestation only while surrounded by children.

But we need to understand a few key concepts in this whole thing:

  • There is a cover up. At some level, an elected official made decision to merely verbally warn Foley after they gained knowledge of the explicit messages to under aged kids.
  • There are more than one page involved. They were underage when initially inappropriately contacted by Foley.
  • Foley's contributions to the GOP were at such times they are likely bribes to buy silence regarding his behavior, and this is currently under investigation.
And there's one final point that must not ever be forgotten: the scandal surrounding Mark Foley (R-FL) erupted at exactly the right moment to steal the headlines from the recently passed bill that gutted the U.S. Constitution.

That's right. Because our media establishment in this country cares more for sensational titles, and the GOP loves talking about homosexuals, because they cannot admit that Habeus Corpus is fundamental to our country's sense of character.

What did my Grandfather fight for in World War II if not the basic freedoms guaranteed us by the Constitution and its first ten amendments?

If you're confused, and I know how easy it can be, watch Keith Olberman describe exactly what happened with the Military Commisisons Act of 2006. And mourn with me as Keith lays Habeus Corpus to rest.

Stephen Colbert gives away the gameplan:

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Al Franken v. Kinky Friedman

What do Al Franken and Kinky Friedman have in common?

They are two of the best comedians I've had the pleasure of laughing at (or with). They are universally acclaimed for at least a portion of their comedic careers.

What separates Al Franken from Kinky Friedman?

Al has spent a lot of time expressing himself on a personal and political level, prior to his announcing he might announce he'll run for office. He also a movie coming out that we in Texas can go see! And a radio show we can all hear!

Kinky didn't really distinguish himself from his humor (more edgy/satirical than Franken's) before running for Governor of Texas. He relied on friends from all sides of the fence - including the Dixie Chicks - to get him on the ballot.

That's kind of cost Kinky a few steps in the race for governor, particularly because he dismisses people who look back on what he's said and ask what he means by his words. There are some remarks, particularly those made more than ten years ago, which are clearly "Colbert" in nature, and then there those made recently, which I posted about here. They're a little more, huh?

Now, I should repeat myself in that I held the somewhat honorary title of Elections chair (or something similar) for a county Green Party here in Texas. All the candidates were former Republican office holders (mayors, precinct chairs), except for one my age who was a freelance journalist. He refused to run a campaign, but the others did, they were all retired and looking out for their grandchildren as well as their own skin.

The main theme, or party platform: Cut out the corporations and take responsibility. This was in 2002, when we knew how well Clinton cozied up to the Big Corporations with his job-shuffling NAFTA and other supply-side incentives, and we knew how the Republicans were handling "the Golden Rule."

As John W. Dean said, a Goldwater conservative is considered liberal these days.

What's even more funny, when I was in college, in 2000 my more conservative friends (one of whom went on to clerk for Judge Priscilla Owen) were all supporting Bradley in the Primary. I was pulling for McCain, up until he relapsed and played lapdog for Rove. Bradley held a little more dignity.

So it should come as no surprise that I really like the idea of a true independent holding a major office. Indeed, Kinky seems bent on changing things to eliminate corporate interest as much as possible, supplanting it with people interest. And he drinks and smokes. And is friend of Willie Nelson, elderly drug offender. My kind of guy.

(Strayhorn is the Republicans' Lieberman. Well, no, Lieberman is the Republicans' James Carville on almost every vote lately. Strayhorn is to the Republicans what Lieberman is to Democrats of whatever they're venal politicians.)

Anyways, about that movie, Al Franken: God Spoke

In Texas, we can watch it at these places and times:

Houston: 10/27 - Angelika Film Center

Austin: 10/6 - Landmark Dobie

Dallas - 9/29 - Angelika Film Center

That's when the run starts, check your town for show times. I highly recommend checking out the website -- lots of great info, links to Al's books (want to know just how full of BS Ann Coulter and Bill O'Reilly are? Read Franken and laugh!), and a blog more entertaining than this one, with gems such as:

You can kind of see how the whole thing plays out just by looking at the splash screen that YouTube provides. There’s Al on the left, smiling. Then there’s this oofy guy on the right who looks like a thumb wearing a tie.

I don't know of any more short vids on Kinky - I'm watching the Governor's debate soon, I promise a report. You can listen to Kinky being interviewed by Alex Jones over on youtube, courtesy of the GCN Radio Network. It's about six parts long, and If Greg Palast recommends Mr. Jones, I'll give him a listen. Honestly, it's a great interview.

Anyways, here's a classic from Kinky's friend (and energy guy) Willie Nelson.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Did James Carville create a voluntary Watergate in 2004?

M.J. Rosenberg of TPMCafe has unearthed a stunner buried -- and not talked up in MSM -- in Bob Woodward's new book: (h/t crooksandliars)

On page 344, Woodward describes the doings at the White House in the early morning hours of Wednesday, the day after the '04 election.

Apparently, Kerry had decided not to concede. There were 250,000 outstanding ballots in Ohio.

So Kerry decides to fight. In fact, he considers going to Ohio to camp out with his voters until there is a recount. This is the last thing the White House needs, especially after Florida 2000.

So what happened?

James Carville gets on the phone with his wife, Mary Matalin, who is at the White House with Bush.

"Carville told her he had some inside news. The Kerry campaign was going to challenge the provisional ballots in Ohio -- perhaps up to 250,000 of them. 'I don't agree with it, Carville said. I'm just telling you that's what they're talking about.'

"Matalin went to Cheney to report...You better tell the President Cheney told her."

Matalin does, advising Bush that "somebody in authority needed to get in touch with J. Kenneth Blackwell, the Republican Secretary of State in Ohio who would be in charge of any challenge to the provisional votes." An SOS goes out to Blackwell.

The rest is history.

When you connect this information with that contained in Robert Kennedy Jr.'s investigative report in Rolling Stone the picture becomes very dark indeed. Go read that report, if you haven't, and learn all the details over at the The Free Press.

What is absolutely unsettling is that Blackwell's actions are very likely tantamount to Election Fraud. He was chided or blocked by judges on constitutional grounds on several things, but many things he did went either unpunished, or the reprimand came after the damage was done.

Why did Woodward not place this tidbit on the front page of the Washington Post when he learned it? Are his profits more important than his loyalty to the U.S.?

Why hasn't someone sued/jailed Carville for election tampering?

The only thing that distinguishes this from Watergate is that Carville, a trusted Democratic aide, willingly betrayed his superiors, giving away their confidential plans. He very likely killed them, at least politically.

Who of our elected officials will stand up and demand to be counted?

Who of our elected officials will stand up and demand accountability?

Friday, September 22, 2006

Spread the good word.

I don't know exactly why i should feel the compulsion to post this, but there are apparently people who Fox News really translates to Faux News.

So, some quick updates.

Air America is not Bankrupt. Since Think Progress has the guts to retract a story, maybe Fox News does too? Well, kind of. Fox News itself has run the same story as think Progress, but the anchor who wrote about the story - now and also back in June and before that - Bill O'Reilly hasn't posted an update to his part of the site. Oh yea, don't forget that Bill is also on Al Qeada's hit list, even though his own network denies it.

That isn't surprising. If you'd like to know whether or not Air America is alive and well, you can check their actual website. Or, alternatively, if you live in the Dallas Area, tune into 910 AM; Austin: 1600 AM; San Antonio: 103.1 FM . Oh, and expect a ton of positivity.

Alternatively, you can tune in on-line and listen to shows in syndication and/or offered simultaneously to other shows.

Sunday on the Texas Progressive Radio Network features sermons of Peace and understanding, inspired by the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ.

Hear something on Fox News? Ignore it for your health -- it's more deadly than fresh spinach.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Hey Travel Agents: get a wiki!

If there's one piece of advice I could give the loval Tourism bureaus, it'd be to get on the web, and to start a travel and tourism wiki.

I'm serious about this. It seems like Houston and San Antonio really want to promote themselves to each other. When I turn on the TV here, I see an ad cavorting me to visit San Antonio. When I visit my family in San Antonio, I see ads for the mall an exit on I-10 away from my home. Gosh, they're thinking of me!

If you don't know what a wiki is or how it can benefit you, here is atravel and tourism wiki newsletter that has a wealth of great information on how a wiki can beneifit the CVB as well as any bunsiesses and tourists.

A Wiki is a collectively-edited website. Here are few ways a wiki can help you:

  • Create an internal, encrypted wiki for use by employees. The content can be easily updated and modified, and control could be placed over who could edit the wiki.

  • Add your business or geographic area to relevant public wikis. It's a great way to promote your business, and to have individuals other than you point out their favorite things and events in one centrral place!

  • Observe proper behavior on a wiki if you're a professional involved in a promoted business or industry. Don't be anonymous - promote your business when you contribute! Also don't remove competitiors, but do correct factual mistakes (observe the golden rule).

  • For a good example of a geographic wiki, check out RoaringForkWiki for ideas about how to structure your wiki. That newsletter above also has other resources for creating your own personal wiki easily and painlessly.

Alright, CVBs out there: got a wiki? Post it in the comments below. show me what you got, why I should leave my house for you.

Tripping through the blogosphere....

I've been up to no good lately, at least according to some folks. I'll post more on a particular feud over one comment a little later, when i can get my thoughts in order.

Around the Conservative media and blogosphere, there seems to be an uproar over a "lack of Unity" behind our President. This is of course a smear campaign against anyone who has trouble with unlimited warrant less spying, unlimited arrest and detention of any person without no evidence or criminal charges, and let's not forget the little trifling matter of outing covert agents, and then suppressing an investigation into the damage caused by such a a leak.

Be warned, that if you make any public statement questioning the validity of these acts, you will be labelled "un-American." If you're an elected Democrat, you will be called an "islamofascist" even if you're a christian minister and/or a U.S. Military reservist or retiree.

It's refreshing to know that not all conservatives are steamrolling towards the extreme right. A few cases in point:

CrooksandLiars has a post on a new book coming out, written by Sen. John Danforth, formerly a contender to be Bush's Vice-Presidential Candidate, an exclusive from Raw Story:

The former Missouri senator shortlisted to be then-Governor Bush's running mate in the 2000 presidential election -- said to have been second choice only to Vice President Cheney -- will come out vehemently against administration and Congressional Republican policy in a book to be published next week., according to an advance copy obtained by RAW STORY.

John Danforth, who retired in 1995 after four terms in the Senate, briefly served as Bush's ambassador to the United Nations but resigned after Condoleezza Rice was tapped to be Secretary of State. According to CNN, he was second on the list of Bush's potential vice presidential choices in 2000.

In Faith and Politics, to be released Tuesday, Danforth blasts the alignment of the Republican Party with the Christian right, lays out his most aggressive pro-gay stance to date and attacks the handling of the Terri Schiavo case.
See, this is what's called "thinking" for yourself, and respecting the rights of every American Citizen to do as they wish (isn't that point of Capitalism and Democracy?). It's also about principles such as small, limited government and self-determination:

Danforth calls the Terri Schiavo case -- where Congress intervened to attempt to keep a severely brain-damaged woman from being taken off life support -- "Big Brotherism."

"That the federal government could intervene in the Schiavo case was a threat to all the families that had seen their loved ones suffer through terminal illness," he writes.

It was a threat to people who were terrified that their own lives might someday be artificially extended in nightmarish circumstances. It was a threat to some of our most heartfelt values. It was Big Brotherism in the extreme, an exercise of the raw and awesome power of the federal government.
"They intervened not in the name of principle, but at the expense of principle," Danforth avers. "They abandoned principle by deciding a medical question without any firsthand knowledge of what they were doing."
So, let's add The Reverend John Danforth, an ordained Episcopal Priest, to the ranks of Colin Powell, John Dean, and other conservative who have the moral fortitude to stand up and say that they will not go blindly down this dark path.

You can pre-order Danforth's Faith and Politics

While there, why not pick up Conservatives Without Conscience by John W. Dean, White house Counsel to Richard Nixon, and self-described Barry Goldwater conservative. You might also like any of the books by or about Colin Powell.

For a more immediate fix, Crooksandliars has video of Joe Scarborough placing Principles above Partisanship or Sen. Lindsey Graham explaining the importance of the Geneva Conventions. Scarborough is a former Republican congressman from Florida, and Sen. Graham is a Colonel in the U.S. Air Force Reserve Command.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Austin City Limit Blues

Choose from over 1 million tracks for only 99¢ a song at iTunes

The Austin City Limits Festival is starting today. The festival will run all weekend.

I won't be there , though. I've got to stay here in Houston, and sleep and recuperate from travelling so much. I was in San Antonio last night, and Austin early this morning. Here in Houston yesterday and today, so you can imagine how i feel right now, road warrior that I am.

Last year I attended the ACL Festival (I lived in Austin). It was a great time: I bought five tickets on the second wave of ticket release, and my brother flew in from Florida to go with me, my fiance, one of my best friends, and my roommate. All the usual drama that occurs whenever my brother and I have gotten together this century occurred, and I almost kicked him out of my house.

Apple iTunes
(I really enjoyed Keane's performance.)

My fiance talked me out of being the brat little brother, and the weekend overall was incredible. I thoroughly enjoyed the Festival experience, except for the ever-present dust storm and the heat.

And one other thing almost threatened to ruin it for me.

It was my first ACL Festival, and I wasn't prepared for the commercialism of it all. I wrote an angry comment to the organizers or whoever got those things, i said they ought to change the name from "Austin City Limits" to "Austin City Suburbs," though perhaps "exurbs" would have been better.

For all the weirdness that is Austin, this great screwed-up state's Capitol, the festival in 2005 was overtly normal. To be fair the food booths were ppredominantlylocal, and non-chain. And not surprisingly, they weren't as overpriced as food booths tend to be.

Local coffee shop like Ruta Maya featured? Naw, Starbucks.
Local Texas Wine industry showcased Naw, Blackstone.
Local Micro brews proudly serving up true to roots Texas beer? Nopers, just the big boys.

How prominent was the booth selling lemonade to raise money for childhood cancer?
It was hidden near the kiddie area, almost behind a stage. Super-expensive mega brew beer was placed about twenty times more prominently and conveniently.

Now, of course it's relevant to ask if the problem was primarily funds (could struggling locals even afford to bid on a sponsorship?), and it could have been purely logistical -- what small company can handle the sheer load of a festival? I don't know. Because it's ACL, I have to give them a little leniency. AND a little nudge towards the bbetter path once in awhile.

If you want to hear the Festival from 2005, a selection of performances is available on iTunes:

Franz Ferdinand - Austin City Limits Festival

Lyle Lovett played last year . . . He's always a highlight for me, whether it's at the ACL or at the Austin New Years Eve bash. If you gotta have an anthem in Texas, this is mine:

Lyle Lovett - Live in Texas - That's Right (You're Not from Texas) [Live]

Monday, September 11, 2006

Austin Apogee Search - Build your site's hits!

It's refreshing when I hear about a tech company doing in Texas. Since I've moved from Austin to Houston, I've missed that Austin vibe. Live Music every single night, cheap beer and good mates to drink with, frisbee golf, and Barton Springs.

That's I'm proud to tell you about PPC in Austin. If you didn't know, PPC (Pay-Per-Click) is a phenomenal method of promoting your site, and these guys, Apogee Search are some of the tops in the field at placing your site much, much higher in search engine's relevancy rankings. The best thing is, you only pay for the the clicks you get.

That way, you're assured that you only pay for services that work for you.

Support Texas Technology -- Support Pay Per Click in Austin , and keep Texas unique and thriving smartly.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Iranian President seen on the Christian Broadcasting Network!

Iranian President Ahmadinejad recently made news when he declared openly his intention to purge Iranian Universities of "secular" professors.

Ahmadinajad stated that it was students who were asking him to make the move, and said that secularism had adversely affected the Religious movement of the education system.

What wasn't known until now, is that he had formerly stated that Liberal and Secular Professors literally beat their students into submission, and that the only way to salvation was for folks to put down their hard-earned cash for his private religious institutions.

Now, for the first time ever, is his previous statement. Thanks to youtube, now you can witness the depravity that is the man!

Stay tuned . . . I've heard reports that there's a documentary that goes inside the hard-line religious schools employed by Ahmadinajad, the Taliban, and Al-Qaida.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Tall Tales coming to a boob tube near you....watchya gonna do?

In case you haven't heard, ABC is putting out a new "docudrama" about the events of September 11, 2001. That's almost okay, except that the piece is apparently crap and very, very false.

You can learn the facts at Don't Airbrush 9/11. One of the most telling is that advance copies have been given not only to entertainment reporters, but to conservative and right-wing commentators such as Rush Limbaugh. Bill Clinton and other officials slimed in this movie have not been allowed advance copies, and neither have any of the most popular left-leaning blogs.

ABC has a blog for this movie here. The latest post is quoted below, and I've added my annotations.

Even Further Clarification

It seems that people keep referring to this movie as a "documentary"
. A documentary is a journalistic format that gives facts and information through interviews and news footage. This is a movie or more specifically a docudrama. Meaning, it is a narrative movie based on facts and dramatized with actors.
Pardon me. lists as the second definition of "documentary": Movies, Television. based on or re-creating an actual event, era, life story, etc., that purports to be factually accurate and contains no fictional elements: a documentary life of Gandhi. Notice the key omission from ABC's statement: no fictional elements. Dramatization, as it used here, means fictionalized.

The team of filmmakers, actors and executives responsible for this movie have a wide range of political perspectives. I would say that most of those perspectives (which is the vast majority in Hollywood) would be considered "liberal" or "left". Some of the very people who are being villified by the left as having a 'right wing agenda' are the very people who are traditionally castigated by the right as being 'liberal dupes' in other projects they have presented. To make a movie of this size and budget requires many people to sign off on it. One person's "agenda" (if anyone should have one) is not enough to influence a movie to one's individual politics when a far broader creative and political consensus is an inherent part of the process.
Actually, the screen writer for this film, Cyrus Nowrasteh, is a rabid conservative wag. He openly advocates a conservative shift in Hollywood, feeding the myth that Hollywood is liberal to begin with. As James Wolcott noted on the Rachel Maddow show, even though George Clooney is a self-described Liberal, his tar power makes it possible for him to do movies with actors and other who don't share his views. Even trolling Clooney's acting history at imdb, one can find he's been in projects not necessarily liberal in nature. Of course, as Clooney got in the director's and producer's seat, his films can represent more of his views.

So, too, does this film largely represent the views of its director, screenwriter, and production company. It may be that other involved int he project are "liberal," but it also equally true, then that they are earning a paycheck, not calling the shots.

And the consensus that emerged over and over during development, production and post production is that we tried, as best we can, based on 9/11 Commission Report and numerous other sources and advisors, to present an accurate and honest account of the events leading to 9/11.
Well, as covered above, this is anything but accurate and honest. Tom Kean, a 9/11 commission member and an official advisor to the film, has indicated that it contains factual errors. Roger Cressey, a former Bush counter terrorism official, calls the film "something out of fantasy land."

The redundant statement about Clinton and the emphasis to protect his legacy instead of trying to learn from the failures of BOTH administrations smells of "agenda". You may feel we "bash" Clinton and/or you may feel we "bash" Bush but the facts are that the eight years from the first WTC bombing to the day of 9/11 involved two administrations with plenty of culpability all around. Something needs to explain how that happened.
Watch the movie! Then let's talk. If you haven't seen the movie with your very own eyes - don't castigate the movie out of ignorance.
-David Cunningham
September 02, 2006 | Permalink
No, what actually smells of agenda is the the way the film was only pre-screened by right-wing commentators, and how Clinton's office was not allowed an advance copy. The danger in this film, is that if aired on a major network, it could spread its falsehoods to even more millions of households.

For a little more truth on the disconnect between Clinton and Bush, watch Condoleeza Rice answering questions from Richard Ben-Veniste of the 9-11 commission:

Don't you hate it when someone asks you a direct question, rather than fluff?

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

A response to conservatives supporting Kinky Friedman.

This was originally intended as a comment on this blog. Unfortunately, I'm using the new-fangled Blogger Beta, and it doesn't play well with non-Beta bloggers. So the comment is below.

I previously posted about this video and one other here.

I will revisit this issue again soon, but I first must sleep and take care of general other things.


What really troubles me about Kinky's comment is that Joe Lieberman isn't "Pro-Israel." He's anti-Arab, and anti-Arab democracy, and as a consequence, ant-Israel. TO say what Kinky did, that Lamont and the folks who voted for him are "Anti-American and Anti-Israel," is not only wrong, but it's ignorantly knee-jerk stupid. His campaign manager should have slapped him.

You and a select minority of the nation may be giddy that we have our army over there dying under false pretenses, and Kinky may believe that American dominance in the Middle East is paramount to American national policy. It is this mindset, perpetuated by Bush and the GOP, that subjugates Israel, ultimately foisting her up for defeat.

The GOP, expressed through the "Freedom Plan" Bush and Cheney enacted after 9/11, sees Israel simply as an immune military arm enslaved to do bidding of the U.S.

Let's be clear about something: "the bidding of the U.S." refers not to the will of the people, expressed through Democratic means. Rather, it refers to the hegemonic interests of behemoth corporations whose headquarters reside int he U.S. Or at least whose campaign contributions find their way to the GOP.

Take a minute and educate yourself. You don't have to be Liberal to understand that this Administration is very far off base. Just ask John Dean. I'll be happy to recommend some reference books.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Issues with Issues. TX Guv, Money and people flowin'

Have I been too hard on Kinky?

Really, now, I got thinking about it. because I don't want to procrastinate, and the election really gets under way in the next few weeks...

On the issues, Chris Bell and Kinky Friedman are very similar in their positions. They both want a cleaner Texas in both the Environmental and Political sense, both want to bridge the divide between Republicans and Democrats on major issues, both are opposed to the "Trans-Texas Corridor." The Greens don't appear to have a gubernatorial candidate this cycle, at least not posted to their website.

Rick Perry has the party-line Republican stance on issues and Strayhorn hasn't posted a stance on the issues on-line. Both are in support of toll-roads, and largely pushing Corporate interests are and disguising them as the people's interests. This is the undue influence of Special Interests their opponents speak of.

James Werner, the Libertarian candidate, is even further off that "Big Corporation need more freedom to gauge us," meme. He and Kinky are the only to list immigration as issues, and Werner is the only Pro-Immigration (free borders) candidate.

Check them out. Who do you think you'll vote for? Would you prefer instant Run-off Voting?

IRV was a big point of the Green Party back when I was involved in the Bexar County Chapter in 2000. Think about it. With the current set-up, you literally are afraid to vote your conscience for fear of "throwing away" your vote and giving the race to the one candidate you hate the most. IRV allows you to vote for your top choice, and then for the safety as well. . .if our vote is our voice, don't we all want to be heard?

With all the talk of NAFTA, free-trade and secure borders, (meaning: free flow for money and wealth, no flow for human capital) it's important that we think about the incentives that drive people. I'll have a more cogent thought later, but I wanted to pass this on:

Over the Texas Green Party's Site, they're hosting a Flash animation, Who Rules the World? that was put up a few years ago, I believe.

It raises an important question about the corrupting power of money, and the influence that has over politics. Think about it when you consider the practices, in China or elsewhere, of an old-money corporation such as Wal-Mart versus a new-money corporation such as Google.

Take a moment, after, to reflect on how small businesses get treated.

Then think about how the U.S. Congress treats the two companies. Wal-Mart and Google.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

PayPerPost is a Revolution in Consumer-Genreated Advertising!

I Digg this.

Part of what i like about PayPerPost, is that it represents guaranteed income.

Unlike every other ad program out there for bloggers at my level and slightly above, PayPerPost provides a sure-fire way to make money blogging. The referral system, the ad syndicates, all require that you, the reader, click on their dad in order for me to see a penny.

While I'm getting started, finding my particular territory, hooking up with a system such as PayPerPost gives me an incentive to keep blogging, keep creating ever more interesting posts for you to enjoy.

By the way, I was compensated for writing about this topic through and am being compensated for my words. Check it out if you blog, and mention me: ellisbean AT

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Dear Senate Majority Leader scareydoodle

Sen. Frist,

I apologize for taking so long to post this memo. I've been busy doing what I can to prevent covert officials from doing their jobs and discovering a truth that disagrees with us. Your welcome in advance.

I'm writing in response to your recent petition request regarding the Flag Burning Amendment.Please allow me to send you my sincere condolences for your failur to push through your agenda.

You say you pushed this amendment because you don't think the flag should be desecrated, and not because you hate the first amendment. Therefore, it is most important that you address, or re-address explicitly, the flag desecration statutes already on the books. Specifically: U.S. Code, title 4, Chapter One. We'd hate to have a bloated Government rife with duplications, wouldn't we? Think how many Departments of Homeland Security would have to be created just to sort through the different laws pertaining to the flag!

You should also stand tall, and tell the President he did indeed descrate the flag, and YOU WON'T STAND FOR FLAG DESECRATION:

  • We impeached Clinton for a stain on a dress.

  • We must send the proper message to America:

  • The FLAG, symbol of our great nation, is greater than a mere dress.

  • IF President Bush has stained the flag, we must tell him what "is" is!!!

Also, in an unrelated matter, I know that you are a supporter of open markets and not a fascist, so I know I don't need to worry about your support for Net Neutrality. You do support Net Neutrality, don't you?

Oh and before I go, please stop the Lie-and-Die rhetoric. I know it's a great piece of TP to say that the War in Iraq is not strenghtening the terorrists. As a USAA member, I am deeply offended by your ignorance regarding war, and must ask you to refrain from lying.

That would go a long ways toward allowing our soldiers to stop dying.

Monday, August 21, 2006

I was going to post this awhile back, but I got too busy procrastinatin'

I'll start by saying that I was pleased as pudding when Kinky Friedman announced he'd run for Governor. I like Kinky, and think Texas should have someone in office who can play music and write comedy. I also don't hold personal religious beliefs as a criterion for a candidate.

PLUS: He loves animals.

Problem was, and still is, Kinky doesn't have much of a platform. Not that the Actual platforms offered are all that good, but you know what I mean. Lazy fare ain't what we need in Texas right now.

Almost all of his campaign is Kinky talking shit about the other candidates. The rest is wisecracks that evade the issues. Again, not better than the rest, not quite not worse.

If you only watched mainstream media, you wouldn't even know that a Democrat was running, since the media only reports on the circus.

Then he appeared on Scarborough Country and said the dreaded words: "[Lieberman] is Pro-Israel and liberals are not." Watch it yourself. Also, if you're curious, check out Lamont's and Lieberman's ad campaigns so far, and see how wrong Buchanan is again.

Part of the problem with his attempt there is that over on his website, he and his campaign manager are pointing to Lamont's victory as a sign that people want change. Kinky, what kind of change is happening, exactly, and how do you fit in?

Here's a clip of Kinky being funny, but I don't get it. If you know what he means by the phrase, clue me in. Something about the death penalty, but what?

More on the Democrat's candidate, Chris Bell, and the other independents later.

Beta Blogger

Hey, I've switched over to the new Blogger beta, and so far it seems to be an improvement, but with some quirks in moving the old data over to this new template.

Well, by that I mean I'm quirky. I'm still learing the HTML and other web stuff, so a whole new site design is on the way!

I've also just been busy with other things, and I apologize. I'll get back to blogging very soon, I promise. Lots of entertaining stuff to come...

One of th emain things is that the program tells me it can't do what I've requested (publish thisa post), but it does. So I end up with five or more of this post that I've then got to delete. fun times!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Soundtrack for our Times...

If you're like me, you have music on almost all the time. I'll suggest the personal mix I sometimes turn on when I get back from work later.

Right now, I have to share my excitement over this exciting announcement. Click the link below to pre-order Bob Dylan's new album, Modern Times. This, from an American artist considered by many to be timeless.

Pre-ordering through iTunes not only gets you the bonus four videoes, but also an extra fifth video, "Jokerman," AND exclusive access to up to four pre-sale tickets for Bob Dylan's upcoming tour. That's a lot of value!


Bob Dylan's wikipedpia entry

Bob Dylan - New Album + Ticketmaster Pre-Sale Offer

Mohawk or G.I. haircut?

George Allen and his campaign staff: unpatriotic or idiotic?

You've read the coverage about George Allen of Virginia issuing forth the racist slur at his opponent's staffer. Catch up if you haven't.

His staff has defended the comment, saying that "Macaca", or however you spell what George Allen said, he meant to say "Mohawk." The Webb staffer at whom the slur was aimed is Indian-American. Here's a picture:

On the left is Sidarth, Webb for Senate campaign staffer.
The original source for this image is dkos.
Crooksandliars has additional info, including the Situation Room video, which has a good side angle on S.R. Sidarth's haircut.

Personally, I think his cut looks more like a G.I.'s

Perhaps this is what George Allen's Staff meant by the "Mohawk" comment:

Uh-oh. WRONG kind of Indian there, guys.

Here are some other haircuts that more closely resemble Sidarth's (in my humble opinion). Let me know what you think!

P.S. I've added George Allen-style nicknames all the anonymous soldiers.

Commodore Theodore McDonough

Or, as Allen would call him: "Commodore Macaca Mickey D"

A U.S. Military Cadet. A Brave young man ready and able to serve this nation in wartime.

Allen's nickname for him: "Macaca Political Tool"

This brave young man is getting his hair cut to regulation soon after arriving at the Military Academy. Personally, I stood up my appointment to the Academy not because of the official "medical disqualification" but because of my trepidation at cutting my then gorgeous mullet. Seriously.


Allen's Nickname: "Not in my Confederate Army. Macaca!"

That's right, Allen once displayed not just a Confederate Flag, but a noose at his home and his law office. To oppose, apparently, the illegalization of lynching. Or rather, he's opposed to an apology for lynching.

There are more examples out there, but really. Are we going to let this slide?

Certainly, there are bigger issues on the immediate horizon than something that could be seen as simple drama on the campaign trail.

But this guy George Allen speaks to a much more aggressive part of our historical traditions. We, as moral citizens, cannot just yawn as he attempts to defend the lynching of minorities for another term. Remember, folks who know are thinking that he may be the next one who has the Presidential election stolen in his favor.

Election graft is small-time compared to lynching. In my book, that is.

Email me if you have any issue with me hosting these images. I mean no harm, and try to link to sources when possible.

CNN: up and down again.

What's disappointing about the Situation Room's editing (of George Allen's Racist comment) is that they cut off the two statements -- "Macaca" and "welcome to America. . . " allowing Allen's defense to seem plausible to the average non-blogosphere-reading viewer.

It's this context that keeps Allen's hopes alive. Compare this to the coverage on the other networks -- including of course Fox, and see how hard the Media tries to side with whitey over any minority, without being open or honest about the spin.

But that's just me reading phonemes and such into this. The MSM (ugh) is much too vapid, right? Until Cafferty has his spot, which I'm looking for now ...

Here is George Allen's racial slur in full. (CrooksandLiars has a lot more)

No. Chuck Roberts, an anchor on that same channel actually has more than an ounce of character, enough to humble himself, and apologized to Ned Lamont for the "Al Qeada Comment."

Kudos to Roberts. Let's hope he conitnues on this path.

Monday, August 14, 2006

I am a tube-tube junkie.

You may have missed the Sunday talk shows. Thankfully, this mass of clogged tubes we know as the "internet" is kind enough to push through videos of selected semgents with certain guests that can be enlightening and/or fucking hilariously stupid.

And even though most of the talking heads that appear on the major networks (or as others say, the MSM) espouse a conservative bias, two three of today's guests come from the "left".

1 To start us off, the first clip features "TP" bobblehead Ken Mehlman. My $20 says that Ken & Crew will toss poor Alan Schlesinger "under the bus" when it's too late to replace him on the GOP ballot, thus giving votes to Lieberman wihthout "endorsing" him. That's what kissing the Prez and winking to Rove and Cheney will buy.

I'm no gambling man, so I don't have the odds on that... maybe we can get them from Schlesinger. You know how gambling debts score points with the Christian Coalition!

2 Second up is my favorite Senator, Feingold from Wisconsin. He responds to the mindless right-wing agitprop with poise and confidence. That is to say, he actually calls Lieberman and Cheney on their false assertions. WOWZA! I gotta say, if anyone were to put out a DVD of Feingold's more stellar moments in comittee and interview, I'd consider buying it...hint,hint...

There's a bonus coming up, and the third round, as I said above... after the break. Oh, and the hosts' blatant laziness -- the toadies to the right-wing agenda -- are stubborn and even stupid in their repetitive questioning (coming up). You don't wanna skip it!

The videos to come.... they get GOOD.

3 Dean goes on the air, and plays it cool even though the host tries to get Dean to "blow his top." That's what the media called him on during the Presidential race, even as he was justified to be fucking upset about the way every damn thing's been going ...... He gives it to Lieberman very good, basically saying (and these are my words): "Get off the pot already. The rest of us are courteous, and we are all tired of your CRAP!"

4 LAMONT speaks to the nation. I don't even live in Connecticut, but if thei guys wins the senate seat, I might move. After/if it warms up sufficiently for my fiance, that is;)

The key to this video is that even though the interviewer repeats the same TP over and over, saying that Lamont is an "Anti-War" candidate, Lamont steps back and reclaims his territory as a very successful businessman who undertsands the needs and struggles of us entrepreneurs.

Unlike Bush, who was a failed businessman (bailed out by George Soros and friends, because they wanted favors from Papa Bush), and only understands what theBig Corps buy from him.

More juice later.

Here's another fun one:

It is difficult to watch, admittedly, with food in your mouth. Especially when Mr. Anchorman stoically rpeates the "Al Qeada candidate" bullshit.

Notice the line: "Republicans AND Joe Lieberman." You know he wanted to say LIKE.

And they wonder why my budget for cable is spent on tubes.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Bill OReilly proves the NSA program doesnt need to bypass the FISA courts has some great video of Bill O'Reilly going off the deeep to defne th Republican hegemony over our NAtion's capitol. The good part, of course, is when he stops attacking "Liberals" to offer proof of his claims, he actually proves the very criticism leveled by the Democrats.

Check it out:

"Bill talked about the NSA program guest after guest, condemning liberals for opposing it and citing information that the NSA wiretapping program was used to stop the threat. Thats great news, we need all the tools we have to fight off the terrorists. Except. . . here comes the good part. . . he admitted that the government got warrants . . .

read more | digg story

Friday, July 28, 2006

Bush and Administration Could Face Death Penalty for War Crimes

It's one thing to thumb your nose at the international Criminal courts, as Henry Kissinger and BP have done, and call anyone asking for accountability "Anti-Semitic."

It's another to attmep to subvert the laws of your own country.

The article linked to, by the way, was published in the Washington Post.
Ironic that a bill passed by a republican house and senate in 1996 comes back to haunt the current administration. The 1996 bill made it a capitol offense to violate the Geneva convention. Maybe bush should have thought twice before Abu Graib and Guantanamo.

read more | digg story

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Who wants Facism? Who do Fascists serve?

Heard this on the radio today. Analysis of the very Rational process behind Fascism: Fascist rulers have served, and been served by, guess who? Big Business.
Audio here:

read more | digg story

Friday, July 21, 2006

Texas GOP says, "Beat them homos!"

Here is a quote from the Texas GOP's 2006 platform:

"Homosexuality - We believe that the practice of sodomy tears at the fabric of society, contributes to the breakdown of the family unit, and leads to the spread of dangerous, communicable diseases. Homosexual behavior is contrary to the fundamental, unchanging truths that have been ordained by God, recognized by our country’s founders, and shared by the majority of Texans. Homosexuality must not be presented as an acceptable “alternative” lifestyle in our public education and policy, nor should “family” be redefined to include homosexual “couples.” We are opposed to any granting of special legal entitlements, recognition, or privileges including, but not limited to, marriage between persons of the same sex, custody of children by homosexuals, homosexual partner insurance or retirement benefits. We oppose any criminal or civil penalties against those who oppose homosexuality out of faith, conviction, or belief in traditional values." You can go read it for yourself on page 14 of the Texas GOP Platform, available here.

(Emphasis mine) Understand this: if there is any member of the KKK or the National Socialists who wishes to go on a campaign of "exterminating" suspected homosexuals, even if the targets are disproportionately non-white, the Texas GOP will do everything in its power to keep them out of legal trouble.

That is, if you're white and you wanna go bash in some people, just say you did so out of religious or traditional belief, and the GOP will support you.

But wait, that isn't the truly scary thing. The scary thing is this: anyone runningont he Republican ballot in Texas mjust sign off on all statement contained inth eplatform of the party. So, every GOP candidate must swear to validating the murder of homosexuals.

Just for fun, here's another doozy from page 21:
"Safeguarding Our Religious Liberties – We affirm that the public acknowledgement of God is undeniable in our history and is vital to our freedom, prosperity and strength as a nation. We pledge to exert our influence toward a return to the original intent of the First Amendment and dispel the myth of the separation of church and state."

Just as a historical note, here's the first and second amnedments:
Amendment I - Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression. Ratified 12/15/1791.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Amendment II - Right to Bear Arms. Ratified 12/15/1791.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The notes are well worth reading.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Stand up to the American Mussolini!

As someone who believes in free markets and capitalist markets, I believe in SAVING THE INTERNET! Check out for more info.

Here's a video for more information (I'm actually having trouble viewing the plugin, so it's possible that blogger doesn't allow embedded shockwave movies.):

Anyway, I got off my lazy ass and SENT A LETTER TO CONGRESS:

"There is important legislation up for vote in the Senate regarding the Principle of Free Enterprise.

Please support Senate Bill S. 2917, "Internet Freedom Preservation Act".

It's called Net Neutrality. Net Neutralitry is vital to the capitalistic expansion of the internet. The opposite, for which you are being paid by the big Telecom companies, is clear and simple corporatism.

That's Corporate Fascism, the kind practiced by Mussolini half a century ago. If you don't find your balls and stand up to ATT&T and the other top-heavy big caps, they'll effectively prohibit the rise of any new tech small-caps, and begin the consolidation that's so rampant everywhere else.

The consolidation that harkens the decline of capitalist markets. Imagine living in a country run by Left-Wing CEOs and congress, who act to prevent your conservative values from finding equal expression. Imagine that.

But what do you care about me? I'm just a legal constituent of the great state of Texas who's trying to start a small business and make a smart use of the technology available to build my enterprise. An escalalting barrier to entry doesn't hurt your pocketbook, it kills mine. It kills all entreprenuerial spirit.

Please keep market entry affordable, and SUPPORT NET NEUTRALITY. And if you aren't going to be sincere, if you're already bought and paid for, please don't kill a tree to send another stupid form letter in response. Just understand that if you vote against Net Neutrality, freedom will once again be left to the courts.

Please act immediately to save the Internet!"

Allergenic to sales Success?

Um, this isn't exactly germain to this blog (but what the hell of my last posts was?), but since I recently moved to Houston, and am blogging in some regards to Houston, this merits attention.

Bathe Less, Have Less Allergies?

One thing I keep saying to people when they ask me about how I'm doing now that I'm here in Houston (moved from Austin / San Antonio), I usually reply, "Humid! Hotter, usually, and wretched for mold and dust -- the two things I'm horribly allergic to!"

Um, so, basically, I'm caught in this hard place: keep being hyper-allergic to the ecological environment (even with Claritin), and possibly damage my career in the wine business (because I not only can't smell, but I feel drugged-up), or bathe less, have clearer nostrils and hurt my wine business and possibly scare off my fiance (because I do indeed have incredibly bad B.O. lately).

So what's a guy to do? I know that the underlying theory is the same as the study from a few years ago that concluded we ought to not use Anti-Bacterial Soap because it kills beneficial bacteria. Beneficial bacteria kill harmful bacterias ad other microbes. At the momnet, I need to worry about sterile environements, since I'll brew soon, and currently and for the near future expect to constanty be around wine.

Therefore, I'll simply assume that our fear of microbes is two fold:

1) We're so inundated in artificial realties, be they the internet, or movies or TV, that we are deathly afraid of the virtually unknown microscopic world, and thus sterilize ourselves from birth, preventing our immune systems from actually effectively working. There's a corollary in this and the fact that alligators are immune to HIV, but I'm not sure of the exact corollary. I'll need a multi-billion dollar grant to tease that one out.

2) Someone in big Pharma or Insurance or Hospitals or in general HealthCare figured out the gist of the first point long ago and also derived how to massivley drill profit from it. Probably an intern. go figure.

Now I'm back on track, aren't I? More drunk-blogging and, soon, rants about Texas electricity deregulation to come. I PROMISE!

Daddy E Rocks always keeps a promise, don't he?

HOudahSpot is tidy!

My review of HoudahSpot as seen on

YO, seriously, people, if you use a MAC , you do so because you like tings elegantly deisgned and easy to use. Spotlight Ain't!

HoudahSPOT, on the other hand is mad cool. IT will find any file you want it to, based on however much information you might have about it.
Like the novel I wrote five years ago and then hid somewhere under business stuff...or the movie I started to make before the enterprise went near bankrupt. HoudahSPOT! is freakin' AWESOME!

NOTE: If you're seeing this on June 16, 2006 head over to MacZOT, you might be able to get a Free copy of HoudahSpot

Search easily in Tiger, Mac OS X, with HoudahSpot

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Pzizz iPod Blog

Regarding Pzizz, I should mention there's a manual they made, and you can download it here.

I haven't read the manual, and have taken only a cursory glance at what's on the web. With the exception of the last mentioned attempt, I've been using Pzizz's sleep module with miraculous success. I haven't curbed my utterly screwed late-night owlishness completely, but I awake feeling refreshed and rested.

It's not often, before, that I've felt that. I got my paycheck the other day, and boy do I work too damn much. That's' the trouble with commission-based jobs. I like the immediate feedback, but the slow season is bankrupting. Quite literally. At least my credit card are still there. It's slow drowning, but the summer's gone in a few months, and already June is on track to produce more than April and May combined.

And it's because I'm sleeping better. Though still staying up too late (check the posting time).

Thank you, Pzizz. Without this program, my paycheck would probably necessitate health care measures. I'm sure the elctric bill will solve that problem. That's what's keep me up at night these days.

Anticipating the electric bill.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Pzizz iPod Blog

So, as you may tell from the multiple posts today, and the time since the last Pzizz, I've used Pzizz several times without then immediately blogging about it. This one, I have to tell you about. It's bizarre, and it gets to a central point of any sleep aid: have the time to sleep.

I had finished placing my orders for delivery, and was all ready to go to sleep, when, at 9:30, my boss called me.

"Hey Erich, say, listen um I don't know if we can get the truck to Houston by Friday, maybe we can come down Saturday."

"Saturday? But no one will take deliveries Saturday!"

"I know, but, uh, that's where it stands. I was going to, but my twins (newborns, cute as can be!) and my wife need me to do some things here at the house. I asked my Cousin, but he just called -- his uncle came into town, and he's got to take him out, treat him right."


"I'll see, though, I might be able to, or find someone. I'll call yah back."

Obviously, I was kinda distracted by the phone call, focused on it and then mad to boot. When I pulled the ear-set out of my ear and hung up the phone, I noticed that there was a lot of smoke coming from my stove. Specifically, a LOT coming from the small pan I in which I was warming soy oil and almond oil to cook my tofu. OH $#$#$#!!

I run over, turn off the stove, move the pan to a back burner, turn the exhaust to high. My place reeks, and I notice that smoky haze has begun to fill the house. I open the front door, turn a floor fan to move the air out of the house, and return to the smoking pan. It's still smoking. A LOT. Even tho I know better, I get a little bit of tap water (warm) and pour a tiny amount onto the pan, in the hopes of cooling it off.

Oil splatters everywhere! And after fizzling for few minutes, the pan stops smoking. I put it under the faucet and rinse out what's left.... oh no! It burned! My brand new fancy pans and one's burnt! eeeeek!

The phone rings again.

"Erich, yea, no go. It's got to be Saturday."

"What? What-no Saturday's no good. I'll drive up to Austin and drive the van myself."

"Oh. Are you sure? What time do you think you'll be here?"

"Let's plan on sometime before 6am."

"OK, Erich. Get some sleep."

"Ok. I'll call yah when I'm driving into town."

Now it's after 10pm. I'm hungry and extremely pissed off. I get out the bigger pan, and successfully cook my dinner. It's delicious, and so is bitterness as I relay the developments to my fiance.

"Well baby, what time is it? YOU GOT TO GET TO BED!"

"I know baby."

"Sleep! Get some sleep! Goodnight, GOODNIGHT!"

"I love you."

"I love you too. Now, go to sleep!"

It's almost midnight, but I'm just too fired up, too many thoughts running through my mind, to get to sleep. I play some flash animation games on my Mac, and flip through the daily deal sites to see what's up. After a bit, I've gotten into the zone I can get into at this time of night, where I just "compute" and "multi-task relax" until I actually look up and realize it's freaking three AM!!!!!

This time, I don't' go quite that long, since in order to be in Austin by 6am I have to leave Houston by 3am. But it's still damn late. I get ready for bed, and now my cat Julius has decided to sleep in my room, as well. He's a big ol' tabby capable of unhinging heavy heavy doors I can barely lift, so I decide it's not worth the trouble to kick him out to the hallway.

The neighbor's dogs are crazy barking at the moon. I climb into bed, anyway. Lights out, Pzizz on.

The moon. The moon is full, or nearly full, and streaming full force through the slats of my blinds and illuminating my pillow. The dogs are still howling. It's been, what dammit, 20 minutes? I've got to sleep! I've got to wake up in two hours!

The Pzizz sleep module is only 30 minutes long, and I have to say, it's as effective as it has been, in that my cycles are slowing way down, I'm groggy, I'm fading,I'm falling asleep. And then the Pzizz module faded away and ended.

Maybe it's because I was afraid I'd be still be awake when it ended, maybe it's because I was so angry about how little I was going to sleep, and was thinking maybe I should have used the Energizer module, or whatever: I noticed it's end, and woke back up, nearly completely.

I had to pee. I was wide awake, anxious, so I read something, some trade magazine or local press, tried to quiet my thoughts. Finally, got back to bed, fell sleep. For like an hour, and woke up.

Now, I should stress here that I believe the Pzizz module I had played this night was actually the second one that played my initial night, before I made playlists, and immediately followed by the raucous humor of Mr. Hicks.

So, two conclusions:

1. DO attempt to be ready for sleep when using the program. It's an aid, not a magic trick.

2. Believe them when they say that it's the randomness of the mathematical algorithm that does the trick. Repeating a session, the brain knows what to expect, and never really lets go of alertness as a side effect of paying attention.

3. Again, actually have several hours to sleep. This is probably medically necessary, anyway. Insomnia can be a killer.

Pzizz iPod blog

Let me just say that the Pzizz module works pretty darn well after being converted to MP3 and transfered to my Treo. I can fit plenty of unique Pzizz programs, and load them onto my SD Card so I don't have to worry about syncing the device, and could even use it on a trip away from the computer. YAY!

OK. I'm ready for bed. I go to my room, plug the Treo (via its adaptor) into the input on my Stereo, switch the Stereo to "line in," select the playlist with the sleep nap, push "play," turn off the lights and get in bed.

As the Pzizz module kicks in, the voice comes on, guiding me to go through my normal ritual (it's good to have one, it says), and I do.

And then it's morning and I've had the best damn sleep in a LONG TIME. Seriously. Even with the neighbors' dog barking outside my window and the creepy noises that infest this house, I conk out so quickly it's like the monster under the bed gassed me.

Definitely, if oyu have any trouble getting to sleep any time, TRY PZIZZ!!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Pzizz iPod Blog

OK. SO, now, here in a separate post, is my first real attempt to use Pzizz.

1. I don't have an iPod, so I have to take Pzizz up on its promise to "work with any MP3 player."

2. After several hours of trying to figure out which output would result in an MP3 (none do), I sumise that it would be simpler to import to iTunes and then from there change the .mov (quicktime) format to .mp3.

3. Pzizz isn't kidding when they say that every program is unique. And it takes a while to generate a unique program on my DP G4 800Mhz Mac.

4. I'm able to convert the .mov files to .mp3 files by this process:

From Pzizz, export to iTunes folder. In iTunes, make smart folder that sees 'Pzizz' files in .mp3 (Kind is MPEG Audio File).
now select the folder I put naps in to begin with (in .mov format), go to scripts and use the Quick Convert Script by Doug to change the to .mp3

5. I HotSync my Treo 650 to my computer, after dragging and dropping the .mp3 files to my "add to handheld" icon in the dock.

6. Queue up RealPlayer for Palm to ensure it sees the .mp3 files.

7. Get ready for bed, and hook up my wireless headphones transmitter to the Treo. Climb into bed, push 'play' on the Treo realplayer, and lay down.

8. Within a few minutes, and this is, I kid you not, a record for me in my new place, I'm FAST ASLEEP. DEEP SLEEP.

9. About an hour later, I awake with a start. Bill Hicks is playing on my headphones! Scared the crap out of me! I turn off my realplayer, take the headphones off, and go back to sleep after a little while.

10. TO FIX the problem described above, I'm creating a unique playlist for each nap, to avoid repeats and unintended songs.

11. I'm also plugging the Treo into a stereo so that I have no comfort issues whatsoever. I'll see how this goes...

Pzizz iPod Blog

I'm posting this from my dashboard widget within Mac OS X 10.4 (Well, no, I wrote this there but it had trouble accessing th eblog feed, and so i copied it into safari (web browser)).

Not because I'm snooty, but because I have to actually perform this task before I can believe in the program. Still no spell check, dang!

Well, after 2 AM AND I'M STILL AWAKE. I have no reason why, since I was yawning all day. There's a great program I used to have on the PC that did a grammar check on things I typed. Teachers liked me more then.

Or maybe they just like me because I was quiet and naive. Now, I'm obnoxious and desperately trying to be naive. I wasn't ever trying before, I was such a cynical bastard kid. Someone would say, "look at the rainbow, make a wish!"

I'd grin, silently, waiting for someone to break the (what I felt was awkward) silence, thinking to myself, "Stupid Leprechaun. Such a greedy goddamn bastard. Give some of that coin to the poor, OK? Let people eat something other than tooth-rot sugar charms!" I've always had bad teeth. And anxiety, come to think of it.

But for some reason, people mistook my embarrassed angry silence as being quiet and naive. Or that's what they told me anyway.

Anyhoo, I've tried Pzizz once now, completely, and a couple times incompletely, so I'm gonna write about it, and then I 'm gonna use it again. And sleep a couple hours.

Using Pzizz for the first time.
OK. So After getting this program in trial mode (in anticipation due to the CollaboZOT, MyzteryZOT, and BlogZOT), I listened to the Energizer module in my office. Sitting in my uncomfortable chair trying to relax. I didn't complete the module either time, so the end result was that I was stuck in "drugged out sleepy" mode.

The third time, my fiance tried it, at my behest, and we got a little further in the program before we were distracted and started talking about the situation. Possibly, we should have shortened the module (you CAN adjust nearly everything about the program).

So my Fiance and I were there, in my office, talking about what to do next and listening to the music, when the "cue" ending the Energizer module came on. HOLY FREEBY JEEPERS IZ BIT!


And we had energy to clean the house.

History repeating, according to some.

Um, I unearthed the Independence Day edition of the Lapdog Daily. All this news really is just press release rehash. I, apparently, am too "worky" to be a professional journalist.

(UPDATE 6/14/06: obviously, problems uploading have been fixed)The server's having problems uploading the image, so anyway, what it doesn't say in the snippet there:

Whitey is the 2% of the county's population that is below Poverty and NOT African-American or Hispanic.
"Whitey always was the town's idiot," says Sen. Oilman, "I gave him a well-paying job at the refinery, and damn if he didn't almost ruin me."

Saturday, May 27, 2006

ground rules, and a little shameless viral marketing

OK. SO, I will blog on a more consistent basis, and I will find a good browser/blog program to make it as painless and efficient as possible. The problem for me is that if isn't super easy to do, and I'm at my computer, I'm more likely to spend hours playing Civilization III or some random demo or flash game. This is partly because my "day" job involve me driving around the greater Houston area selling and delivering wine.

Driving in Houston is stressful! I have an overwhelming need to unwind when I come home, in addition to the fatigue I already have from allergies (I'm allergic to dust and mold, and Houston is INCREDIBLY HUMID).

This blog will serve more as my foray into political discussion, and as such, won't focus too much on specific alcohol brands, even though I drink and am employed in the business of selling alcohol. This blog is personal, individual, and will serve to help me flesh out opinions and points of view on current issues, economics, globalization, corporation, and the great big world in general. Also, I'm trying to learn Spanish so I can read my soon to be cousin-in-law's awesome blog.

I do want to learn some coding, as well, and my posts will gradually show my budding knowledge. I hope.

I'm also a Mac User and MySpacer. What I find useful and almost necessary for my Mac is MacZOT! and what I like about the blog on MySpace is the tag at the end where the blogger can indicate what is being played, listened to, watched, etc. ... selected form a pre-designed list of corporate label "art" primed for promotion. In that spirit, I post the following, as part of the blogZOT, and in an effort to overcome my stress hangovers.

Two birdies, one plush stone. Fans want Pzizz because 'According to the National Sleep Foundation, sleep deprivation and its effect on work performance may be costing U.S. employers some $18 billion each year in lost productivity. Another study pushes this cost to over $100 billion.' - link to full article

Monday, April 03, 2006

First Post

Well, this is the initial post. Just returned from another Trip to Houston, though not returned to Austin, returned to SA. For some reason, a link from Jesus' General took me to the "register for Blogger" page, and so I registered. Little did I know it was just broken link to a Hannidate. Damn, now I'm not procrastinating anymore, for the time being.


Originally I was going to wait until I could establish better communication with my soon-to-be cousin-in-law, who blogs at Desvarios y Demaz. I was going to provide a "white dude's view of the US" for all those who are trying to make a life for themselves in Mexico. Plus, and mainly, reviews on good beers and wines that simply aren't available in the Mexican economy. And possibly be paid with Indo in returnable bottles. Hopefully, also spark and economic revolustion of beer drinkers that bumps oof swill and brings on the chill. Work in progress...

I actually love the Mexican beer/soda distribution system. I'd love to buy a bottle and then be able to refill that bottle with any beverage of my choice for pennies. The model can be made to work in the US.

It can!

And since I'm moving to Houston, the idea of zero easements and no zoning (as propagated in Mexican cities) is something I need to get used to.
