Saturday, June 17, 2006

Stand up to the American Mussolini!

As someone who believes in free markets and capitalist markets, I believe in SAVING THE INTERNET! Check out for more info.

Here's a video for more information (I'm actually having trouble viewing the plugin, so it's possible that blogger doesn't allow embedded shockwave movies.):

Anyway, I got off my lazy ass and SENT A LETTER TO CONGRESS:

"There is important legislation up for vote in the Senate regarding the Principle of Free Enterprise.

Please support Senate Bill S. 2917, "Internet Freedom Preservation Act".

It's called Net Neutrality. Net Neutralitry is vital to the capitalistic expansion of the internet. The opposite, for which you are being paid by the big Telecom companies, is clear and simple corporatism.

That's Corporate Fascism, the kind practiced by Mussolini half a century ago. If you don't find your balls and stand up to ATT&T and the other top-heavy big caps, they'll effectively prohibit the rise of any new tech small-caps, and begin the consolidation that's so rampant everywhere else.

The consolidation that harkens the decline of capitalist markets. Imagine living in a country run by Left-Wing CEOs and congress, who act to prevent your conservative values from finding equal expression. Imagine that.

But what do you care about me? I'm just a legal constituent of the great state of Texas who's trying to start a small business and make a smart use of the technology available to build my enterprise. An escalalting barrier to entry doesn't hurt your pocketbook, it kills mine. It kills all entreprenuerial spirit.

Please keep market entry affordable, and SUPPORT NET NEUTRALITY. And if you aren't going to be sincere, if you're already bought and paid for, please don't kill a tree to send another stupid form letter in response. Just understand that if you vote against Net Neutrality, freedom will once again be left to the courts.

Please act immediately to save the Internet!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Erich! how you doing? I was trying to contact you but I can´t find your e-mail address, if you have a chance please write me.

Take care and say hi to Pris.
