Thursday, June 15, 2006

Pzizz iPod Blog

Regarding Pzizz, I should mention there's a manual they made, and you can download it here.

I haven't read the manual, and have taken only a cursory glance at what's on the web. With the exception of the last mentioned attempt, I've been using Pzizz's sleep module with miraculous success. I haven't curbed my utterly screwed late-night owlishness completely, but I awake feeling refreshed and rested.

It's not often, before, that I've felt that. I got my paycheck the other day, and boy do I work too damn much. That's' the trouble with commission-based jobs. I like the immediate feedback, but the slow season is bankrupting. Quite literally. At least my credit card are still there. It's slow drowning, but the summer's gone in a few months, and already June is on track to produce more than April and May combined.

And it's because I'm sleeping better. Though still staying up too late (check the posting time).

Thank you, Pzizz. Without this program, my paycheck would probably necessitate health care measures. I'm sure the elctric bill will solve that problem. That's what's keep me up at night these days.

Anticipating the electric bill.

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