Monday, August 21, 2006

I was going to post this awhile back, but I got too busy procrastinatin'

I'll start by saying that I was pleased as pudding when Kinky Friedman announced he'd run for Governor. I like Kinky, and think Texas should have someone in office who can play music and write comedy. I also don't hold personal religious beliefs as a criterion for a candidate.

PLUS: He loves animals.

Problem was, and still is, Kinky doesn't have much of a platform. Not that the Actual platforms offered are all that good, but you know what I mean. Lazy fare ain't what we need in Texas right now.

Almost all of his campaign is Kinky talking shit about the other candidates. The rest is wisecracks that evade the issues. Again, not better than the rest, not quite not worse.

If you only watched mainstream media, you wouldn't even know that a Democrat was running, since the media only reports on the circus.

Then he appeared on Scarborough Country and said the dreaded words: "[Lieberman] is Pro-Israel and liberals are not." Watch it yourself. Also, if you're curious, check out Lamont's and Lieberman's ad campaigns so far, and see how wrong Buchanan is again.

Part of the problem with his attempt there is that over on his website, he and his campaign manager are pointing to Lamont's victory as a sign that people want change. Kinky, what kind of change is happening, exactly, and how do you fit in?

Here's a clip of Kinky being funny, but I don't get it. If you know what he means by the phrase, clue me in. Something about the death penalty, but what?

More on the Democrat's candidate, Chris Bell, and the other independents later.

1 comment:

TheLongHaul said...

Please allow me to display his platform. You can find all the issues at Kinky Friedman and Texas Issues.

If you want more information about Kinky Friedman, here are interviews with the Kinkster himself. Watch, research, and then make up your own mind. Anti-Kinky blogs like some Democrats at BurntOrangeReport and StopKinky regularly and purposely misquote and misrepresent Kinky Friedman in a last ditch effort to discredit him. It's too late for child's play. Watch and formulate your own opinions. My previous post, Kinky Friedman and Texas Issues, goes over all of Kinky's platform, but watch and listen to Kinky himself.

Great recent audio interview. Kinky Friedman interview by The Lynn Woolley Show on August 18, 2006. All the issues. There are five segments that you can listen to here. segment 1, segment 2, segment 3, segment 4, segment 5, segment 6

Kinky Friedman on CBS's Sunday Morning Show.

Kinky Friedman interview with WOAI's Randy Beamer.

Kinky Friedman interview with FOX's Bill O'Reilly.

Kinky Friedman interview with San Antonio Living.

Kinky Friedman's speech to the Blackland Coalition.

Kinky Friedman press conference for Independent Texans.

Kinky Friedman's Interview #1 with Texas Monthly's Evan Smith.

Kinky Friedman's Interview #2 with Texas Monthly's Evan Smith.

Kinky Friedman audio from NPR. There are two audio files on this page, click "listen" at the top, and then under that, click "Web Extra" for a 1988 interview. If you scroll down a bit too, you can find a link to Kinky Friedman's hit song, "Sold American."

Information on Biodiesel from NPR. Audio from Kinky Friedman, Carl Cornelius, and Willie Nelson. Click on "listen" at the top of the page. The other audio file on this page is found under "Speaking of Biodiesel." Click the third one down, "Kinky Friedman on Biodiesel, Alternative Fuels, and Willie Nelson."

More Audio and Video will be posted soon.

I also found an interesting interview with Chris Bell where he talks about his only proposal for funding education by taxing more businesses and also talks about considering building toll roads for new highway developement.