Monday, August 14, 2006

I am a tube-tube junkie.

You may have missed the Sunday talk shows. Thankfully, this mass of clogged tubes we know as the "internet" is kind enough to push through videos of selected semgents with certain guests that can be enlightening and/or fucking hilariously stupid.

And even though most of the talking heads that appear on the major networks (or as others say, the MSM) espouse a conservative bias, two three of today's guests come from the "left".

1 To start us off, the first clip features "TP" bobblehead Ken Mehlman. My $20 says that Ken & Crew will toss poor Alan Schlesinger "under the bus" when it's too late to replace him on the GOP ballot, thus giving votes to Lieberman wihthout "endorsing" him. That's what kissing the Prez and winking to Rove and Cheney will buy.

I'm no gambling man, so I don't have the odds on that... maybe we can get them from Schlesinger. You know how gambling debts score points with the Christian Coalition!

2 Second up is my favorite Senator, Feingold from Wisconsin. He responds to the mindless right-wing agitprop with poise and confidence. That is to say, he actually calls Lieberman and Cheney on their false assertions. WOWZA! I gotta say, if anyone were to put out a DVD of Feingold's more stellar moments in comittee and interview, I'd consider buying it...hint,hint...

There's a bonus coming up, and the third round, as I said above... after the break. Oh, and the hosts' blatant laziness -- the toadies to the right-wing agenda -- are stubborn and even stupid in their repetitive questioning (coming up). You don't wanna skip it!

The videos to come.... they get GOOD.

3 Dean goes on the air, and plays it cool even though the host tries to get Dean to "blow his top." That's what the media called him on during the Presidential race, even as he was justified to be fucking upset about the way every damn thing's been going ...... He gives it to Lieberman very good, basically saying (and these are my words): "Get off the pot already. The rest of us are courteous, and we are all tired of your CRAP!"

4 LAMONT speaks to the nation. I don't even live in Connecticut, but if thei guys wins the senate seat, I might move. After/if it warms up sufficiently for my fiance, that is;)

The key to this video is that even though the interviewer repeats the same TP over and over, saying that Lamont is an "Anti-War" candidate, Lamont steps back and reclaims his territory as a very successful businessman who undertsands the needs and struggles of us entrepreneurs.

Unlike Bush, who was a failed businessman (bailed out by George Soros and friends, because they wanted favors from Papa Bush), and only understands what theBig Corps buy from him.

More juice later.

Here's another fun one:

It is difficult to watch, admittedly, with food in your mouth. Especially when Mr. Anchorman stoically rpeates the "Al Qeada candidate" bullshit.

Notice the line: "Republicans AND Joe Lieberman." You know he wanted to say LIKE.

And they wonder why my budget for cable is spent on tubes.

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