Sunday, October 08, 2006

Al Franken v. Kinky Friedman

What do Al Franken and Kinky Friedman have in common?

They are two of the best comedians I've had the pleasure of laughing at (or with). They are universally acclaimed for at least a portion of their comedic careers.

What separates Al Franken from Kinky Friedman?

Al has spent a lot of time expressing himself on a personal and political level, prior to his announcing he might announce he'll run for office. He also a movie coming out that we in Texas can go see! And a radio show we can all hear!

Kinky didn't really distinguish himself from his humor (more edgy/satirical than Franken's) before running for Governor of Texas. He relied on friends from all sides of the fence - including the Dixie Chicks - to get him on the ballot.

That's kind of cost Kinky a few steps in the race for governor, particularly because he dismisses people who look back on what he's said and ask what he means by his words. There are some remarks, particularly those made more than ten years ago, which are clearly "Colbert" in nature, and then there those made recently, which I posted about here. They're a little more, huh?

Now, I should repeat myself in that I held the somewhat honorary title of Elections chair (or something similar) for a county Green Party here in Texas. All the candidates were former Republican office holders (mayors, precinct chairs), except for one my age who was a freelance journalist. He refused to run a campaign, but the others did, they were all retired and looking out for their grandchildren as well as their own skin.

The main theme, or party platform: Cut out the corporations and take responsibility. This was in 2002, when we knew how well Clinton cozied up to the Big Corporations with his job-shuffling NAFTA and other supply-side incentives, and we knew how the Republicans were handling "the Golden Rule."

As John W. Dean said, a Goldwater conservative is considered liberal these days.

What's even more funny, when I was in college, in 2000 my more conservative friends (one of whom went on to clerk for Judge Priscilla Owen) were all supporting Bradley in the Primary. I was pulling for McCain, up until he relapsed and played lapdog for Rove. Bradley held a little more dignity.

So it should come as no surprise that I really like the idea of a true independent holding a major office. Indeed, Kinky seems bent on changing things to eliminate corporate interest as much as possible, supplanting it with people interest. And he drinks and smokes. And is friend of Willie Nelson, elderly drug offender. My kind of guy.

(Strayhorn is the Republicans' Lieberman. Well, no, Lieberman is the Republicans' James Carville on almost every vote lately. Strayhorn is to the Republicans what Lieberman is to Democrats of whatever they're venal politicians.)

Anyways, about that movie, Al Franken: God Spoke

In Texas, we can watch it at these places and times:

Houston: 10/27 - Angelika Film Center

Austin: 10/6 - Landmark Dobie

Dallas - 9/29 - Angelika Film Center

That's when the run starts, check your town for show times. I highly recommend checking out the website -- lots of great info, links to Al's books (want to know just how full of BS Ann Coulter and Bill O'Reilly are? Read Franken and laugh!), and a blog more entertaining than this one, with gems such as:

You can kind of see how the whole thing plays out just by looking at the splash screen that YouTube provides. There’s Al on the left, smiling. Then there’s this oofy guy on the right who looks like a thumb wearing a tie.

I don't know of any more short vids on Kinky - I'm watching the Governor's debate soon, I promise a report. You can listen to Kinky being interviewed by Alex Jones over on youtube, courtesy of the GCN Radio Network. It's about six parts long, and If Greg Palast recommends Mr. Jones, I'll give him a listen. Honestly, it's a great interview.

Anyways, here's a classic from Kinky's friend (and energy guy) Willie Nelson.


Anonymous said...

The debate was not a great political discourse, but it was moderately decent as reality TV and scored better than average as a game show.


Kinky couldn't name any black people on his campaign staff except "Frank from Atlanta" who will be joining the Kinky campaign shortly.

Strayhorn couldn't name the president of Mexico.

Bell knows the Battle of the Alamo was fought in 1836.

Kinky wants to declare martial law in the border counties.

Strayhorn doesn't know how long welfare recipients get benefits.

Perry is OK with selling out Texas to a Spanish toll road company so long as the bribes are all fully disclosed.

Kinky thinks the internet is the work of Satan.

YO, E ROCKS! said...


I was born in Atlanta. Welcome to Texas.

I strongly advise you and the rest of the staff to develop a good "daily briefing" to get Kinky up-to-date on key topics, so he can pepper his comments with factual statements that underscore his mighty wit.

and THANK YOU for reading my blog. I really appreciate it!