Mohawk or G.I. haircut?
George Allen and his campaign staff: unpatriotic or idiotic?
You've read the coverage about George Allen of Virginia issuing forth the racist slur at his opponent's staffer. Catch up if you haven't.
His staff has defended the comment, saying that "Macaca", or however you spell what George Allen said, he meant to say "Mohawk." The Webb staffer at whom the slur was aimed is Indian-American. Here's a picture:
On the left is Sidarth, Webb for Senate campaign staffer.
The original source for this image is dkos.
Crooksandliars has additional info, including the Situation Room video, which has a good side angle on S.R. Sidarth's haircut.
Personally, I think his cut looks more like a G.I.'s
Perhaps this is what George Allen's Staff meant by the "Mohawk" comment:
Uh-oh. WRONG kind of Indian there, guys.
Here are some other haircuts that more closely resemble Sidarth's (in my humble opinion). Let me know what you think!
P.S. I've added George Allen-style nicknames all the anonymous soldiers.Commodore Theodore McDonough
Or, as Allen would call him: "Commodore Macaca Mickey D" A U.S. Military Cadet. A Brave young man ready and able to serve this nation in wartime.
Allen's nickname for him: "Macaca Political Tool" This brave young man is getting his hair cut to regulation soon after arriving at the Military Academy. Personally, I stood up my appointment to the Academy not because of the official "medical disqualification" but because of my trepidation at cutting my then gorgeous mullet. Seriously.
Allen's Nickname: "Not in my Confederate Army. Macaca!"
That's right, Allen once displayed not just a Confederate Flag, but a noose at his home and his law office. To oppose, apparently, the illegalization of lynching. Or rather, he's opposed to an apology for lynching.
There are more examples out there, but really. Are we going to let this slide?
Certainly, there are bigger issues on the immediate horizon than something that could be seen as simple drama on the campaign trail.
But this guy George Allen speaks to a much more aggressive part of our historical traditions. We, as moral citizens, cannot just yawn as he attempts to defend the lynching of minorities for another term. Remember, folks who know are thinking that he may be the next one who has the Presidential election stolen in his favor.
Election graft is small-time compared to lynching. In my book, that is.
Email me if you have any issue with me hosting these images. I mean no harm, and try to link to sources when possible.
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