Saturday, August 26, 2006

PayPerPost is a Revolution in Consumer-Genreated Advertising!

I Digg this.

Part of what i like about PayPerPost, is that it represents guaranteed income.

Unlike every other ad program out there for bloggers at my level and slightly above, PayPerPost provides a sure-fire way to make money blogging. The referral system, the ad syndicates, all require that you, the reader, click on their dad in order for me to see a penny.

While I'm getting started, finding my particular territory, hooking up with a system such as PayPerPost gives me an incentive to keep blogging, keep creating ever more interesting posts for you to enjoy.

By the way, I was compensated for writing about this topic through and am being compensated for my words. Check it out if you blog, and mention me: ellisbean AT

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Dear Senate Majority Leader scareydoodle

Sen. Frist,

I apologize for taking so long to post this memo. I've been busy doing what I can to prevent covert officials from doing their jobs and discovering a truth that disagrees with us. Your welcome in advance.

I'm writing in response to your recent petition request regarding the Flag Burning Amendment.Please allow me to send you my sincere condolences for your failur to push through your agenda.

You say you pushed this amendment because you don't think the flag should be desecrated, and not because you hate the first amendment. Therefore, it is most important that you address, or re-address explicitly, the flag desecration statutes already on the books. Specifically: U.S. Code, title 4, Chapter One. We'd hate to have a bloated Government rife with duplications, wouldn't we? Think how many Departments of Homeland Security would have to be created just to sort through the different laws pertaining to the flag!

You should also stand tall, and tell the President he did indeed descrate the flag, and YOU WON'T STAND FOR FLAG DESECRATION:

  • We impeached Clinton for a stain on a dress.

  • We must send the proper message to America:

  • The FLAG, symbol of our great nation, is greater than a mere dress.

  • IF President Bush has stained the flag, we must tell him what "is" is!!!

Also, in an unrelated matter, I know that you are a supporter of open markets and not a fascist, so I know I don't need to worry about your support for Net Neutrality. You do support Net Neutrality, don't you?

Oh and before I go, please stop the Lie-and-Die rhetoric. I know it's a great piece of TP to say that the War in Iraq is not strenghtening the terorrists. As a USAA member, I am deeply offended by your ignorance regarding war, and must ask you to refrain from lying.

That would go a long ways toward allowing our soldiers to stop dying.

Monday, August 21, 2006

I was going to post this awhile back, but I got too busy procrastinatin'

I'll start by saying that I was pleased as pudding when Kinky Friedman announced he'd run for Governor. I like Kinky, and think Texas should have someone in office who can play music and write comedy. I also don't hold personal religious beliefs as a criterion for a candidate.

PLUS: He loves animals.

Problem was, and still is, Kinky doesn't have much of a platform. Not that the Actual platforms offered are all that good, but you know what I mean. Lazy fare ain't what we need in Texas right now.

Almost all of his campaign is Kinky talking shit about the other candidates. The rest is wisecracks that evade the issues. Again, not better than the rest, not quite not worse.

If you only watched mainstream media, you wouldn't even know that a Democrat was running, since the media only reports on the circus.

Then he appeared on Scarborough Country and said the dreaded words: "[Lieberman] is Pro-Israel and liberals are not." Watch it yourself. Also, if you're curious, check out Lamont's and Lieberman's ad campaigns so far, and see how wrong Buchanan is again.

Part of the problem with his attempt there is that over on his website, he and his campaign manager are pointing to Lamont's victory as a sign that people want change. Kinky, what kind of change is happening, exactly, and how do you fit in?

Here's a clip of Kinky being funny, but I don't get it. If you know what he means by the phrase, clue me in. Something about the death penalty, but what?

More on the Democrat's candidate, Chris Bell, and the other independents later.

Beta Blogger

Hey, I've switched over to the new Blogger beta, and so far it seems to be an improvement, but with some quirks in moving the old data over to this new template.

Well, by that I mean I'm quirky. I'm still learing the HTML and other web stuff, so a whole new site design is on the way!

I've also just been busy with other things, and I apologize. I'll get back to blogging very soon, I promise. Lots of entertaining stuff to come...

One of th emain things is that the program tells me it can't do what I've requested (publish thisa post), but it does. So I end up with five or more of this post that I've then got to delete. fun times!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Soundtrack for our Times...

If you're like me, you have music on almost all the time. I'll suggest the personal mix I sometimes turn on when I get back from work later.

Right now, I have to share my excitement over this exciting announcement. Click the link below to pre-order Bob Dylan's new album, Modern Times. This, from an American artist considered by many to be timeless.

Pre-ordering through iTunes not only gets you the bonus four videoes, but also an extra fifth video, "Jokerman," AND exclusive access to up to four pre-sale tickets for Bob Dylan's upcoming tour. That's a lot of value!


Bob Dylan's wikipedpia entry

Bob Dylan - New Album + Ticketmaster Pre-Sale Offer

Mohawk or G.I. haircut?

George Allen and his campaign staff: unpatriotic or idiotic?

You've read the coverage about George Allen of Virginia issuing forth the racist slur at his opponent's staffer. Catch up if you haven't.

His staff has defended the comment, saying that "Macaca", or however you spell what George Allen said, he meant to say "Mohawk." The Webb staffer at whom the slur was aimed is Indian-American. Here's a picture:

On the left is Sidarth, Webb for Senate campaign staffer.
The original source for this image is dkos.
Crooksandliars has additional info, including the Situation Room video, which has a good side angle on S.R. Sidarth's haircut.

Personally, I think his cut looks more like a G.I.'s

Perhaps this is what George Allen's Staff meant by the "Mohawk" comment:

Uh-oh. WRONG kind of Indian there, guys.

Here are some other haircuts that more closely resemble Sidarth's (in my humble opinion). Let me know what you think!

P.S. I've added George Allen-style nicknames all the anonymous soldiers.

Commodore Theodore McDonough

Or, as Allen would call him: "Commodore Macaca Mickey D"

A U.S. Military Cadet. A Brave young man ready and able to serve this nation in wartime.

Allen's nickname for him: "Macaca Political Tool"

This brave young man is getting his hair cut to regulation soon after arriving at the Military Academy. Personally, I stood up my appointment to the Academy not because of the official "medical disqualification" but because of my trepidation at cutting my then gorgeous mullet. Seriously.


Allen's Nickname: "Not in my Confederate Army. Macaca!"

That's right, Allen once displayed not just a Confederate Flag, but a noose at his home and his law office. To oppose, apparently, the illegalization of lynching. Or rather, he's opposed to an apology for lynching.

There are more examples out there, but really. Are we going to let this slide?

Certainly, there are bigger issues on the immediate horizon than something that could be seen as simple drama on the campaign trail.

But this guy George Allen speaks to a much more aggressive part of our historical traditions. We, as moral citizens, cannot just yawn as he attempts to defend the lynching of minorities for another term. Remember, folks who know are thinking that he may be the next one who has the Presidential election stolen in his favor.

Election graft is small-time compared to lynching. In my book, that is.

Email me if you have any issue with me hosting these images. I mean no harm, and try to link to sources when possible.

CNN: up and down again.

What's disappointing about the Situation Room's editing (of George Allen's Racist comment) is that they cut off the two statements -- "Macaca" and "welcome to America. . . " allowing Allen's defense to seem plausible to the average non-blogosphere-reading viewer.

It's this context that keeps Allen's hopes alive. Compare this to the coverage on the other networks -- including of course Fox, and see how hard the Media tries to side with whitey over any minority, without being open or honest about the spin.

But that's just me reading phonemes and such into this. The MSM (ugh) is much too vapid, right? Until Cafferty has his spot, which I'm looking for now ...

Here is George Allen's racial slur in full. (CrooksandLiars has a lot more)

No. Chuck Roberts, an anchor on that same channel actually has more than an ounce of character, enough to humble himself, and apologized to Ned Lamont for the "Al Qeada Comment."

Kudos to Roberts. Let's hope he conitnues on this path.

Monday, August 14, 2006

I am a tube-tube junkie.

You may have missed the Sunday talk shows. Thankfully, this mass of clogged tubes we know as the "internet" is kind enough to push through videos of selected semgents with certain guests that can be enlightening and/or fucking hilariously stupid.

And even though most of the talking heads that appear on the major networks (or as others say, the MSM) espouse a conservative bias, two three of today's guests come from the "left".

1 To start us off, the first clip features "TP" bobblehead Ken Mehlman. My $20 says that Ken & Crew will toss poor Alan Schlesinger "under the bus" when it's too late to replace him on the GOP ballot, thus giving votes to Lieberman wihthout "endorsing" him. That's what kissing the Prez and winking to Rove and Cheney will buy.

I'm no gambling man, so I don't have the odds on that... maybe we can get them from Schlesinger. You know how gambling debts score points with the Christian Coalition!

2 Second up is my favorite Senator, Feingold from Wisconsin. He responds to the mindless right-wing agitprop with poise and confidence. That is to say, he actually calls Lieberman and Cheney on their false assertions. WOWZA! I gotta say, if anyone were to put out a DVD of Feingold's more stellar moments in comittee and interview, I'd consider buying it...hint,hint...

There's a bonus coming up, and the third round, as I said above... after the break. Oh, and the hosts' blatant laziness -- the toadies to the right-wing agenda -- are stubborn and even stupid in their repetitive questioning (coming up). You don't wanna skip it!

The videos to come.... they get GOOD.

3 Dean goes on the air, and plays it cool even though the host tries to get Dean to "blow his top." That's what the media called him on during the Presidential race, even as he was justified to be fucking upset about the way every damn thing's been going ...... He gives it to Lieberman very good, basically saying (and these are my words): "Get off the pot already. The rest of us are courteous, and we are all tired of your CRAP!"

4 LAMONT speaks to the nation. I don't even live in Connecticut, but if thei guys wins the senate seat, I might move. After/if it warms up sufficiently for my fiance, that is;)

The key to this video is that even though the interviewer repeats the same TP over and over, saying that Lamont is an "Anti-War" candidate, Lamont steps back and reclaims his territory as a very successful businessman who undertsands the needs and struggles of us entrepreneurs.

Unlike Bush, who was a failed businessman (bailed out by George Soros and friends, because they wanted favors from Papa Bush), and only understands what theBig Corps buy from him.

More juice later.

Here's another fun one:

It is difficult to watch, admittedly, with food in your mouth. Especially when Mr. Anchorman stoically rpeates the "Al Qeada candidate" bullshit.

Notice the line: "Republicans AND Joe Lieberman." You know he wanted to say LIKE.

And they wonder why my budget for cable is spent on tubes.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Bill OReilly proves the NSA program doesnt need to bypass the FISA courts has some great video of Bill O'Reilly going off the deeep to defne th Republican hegemony over our NAtion's capitol. The good part, of course, is when he stops attacking "Liberals" to offer proof of his claims, he actually proves the very criticism leveled by the Democrats.

Check it out:

"Bill talked about the NSA program guest after guest, condemning liberals for opposing it and citing information that the NSA wiretapping program was used to stop the threat. Thats great news, we need all the tools we have to fight off the terrorists. Except. . . here comes the good part. . . he admitted that the government got warrants . . .

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