Monday, April 03, 2006

First Post

Well, this is the initial post. Just returned from another Trip to Houston, though not returned to Austin, returned to SA. For some reason, a link from Jesus' General took me to the "register for Blogger" page, and so I registered. Little did I know it was just broken link to a Hannidate. Damn, now I'm not procrastinating anymore, for the time being.


Originally I was going to wait until I could establish better communication with my soon-to-be cousin-in-law, who blogs at Desvarios y Demaz. I was going to provide a "white dude's view of the US" for all those who are trying to make a life for themselves in Mexico. Plus, and mainly, reviews on good beers and wines that simply aren't available in the Mexican economy. And possibly be paid with Indo in returnable bottles. Hopefully, also spark and economic revolustion of beer drinkers that bumps oof swill and brings on the chill. Work in progress...

I actually love the Mexican beer/soda distribution system. I'd love to buy a bottle and then be able to refill that bottle with any beverage of my choice for pennies. The model can be made to work in the US.

It can!

And since I'm moving to Houston, the idea of zero easements and no zoning (as propagated in Mexican cities) is something I need to get used to.
